
拉美人拥有的企业可能是美国的财富.S. 经济的最佳选择


Stanford Latino Entrepreneur Leaders Program class works to advance entrepreneurship research, 教育, 并为企业主创造了一个网络.

No sector promises to turn early-stage financing into GDP growth like Latino-owned businesses (LOBs).

他们被简称为高球,但他们正在研究快速球. Latino entrepreneurs are starting small businesses faster than the rest of the startup population 和 becoming a bigger part of the total U.S. 每天赶集. 据估计,他们将占美国人口的29%.S. 到2050年,从今天的17%上升.

根据斯坦福大学商学院的一项研究, 如果这些企业的增长速度能赶上美国.S. 平均来说,他们可以增加1美元.4万亿美元给美国.S. 经济.

这是一个难以想象的数字, but here’s some sense of scale: It’s 40 percent more in one year than Microsoft has made since it was founded in 1975. It’s more than the GDP of every country in the world below the top ten. 底线是:这将使美国18万亿美元的财政赤字增加近8%.S. 经济.



拉丁裔企业家占美国企业家总数的29%.S. 到2050年,从今天的17%上升.

如果拉美裔企业的增长速度和美国一样快的话.S. 平均来说,他们可以增加1美元.4万亿美元给美国.S. 经济. 这将使美国的18万亿美元增加近8%.S. 经济.

当拉丁裔企业家创业时, 他们70%的资金来自个人储蓄, 根据斯坦福大学的研究, 而只有6%来自商业贷款.


Getting LOBs up to speed won’t be easy: they are either not growing or growing slowly. But nonprofit accelerators are doing all they can to accelerate opportunities, funding LOBs before they’re eligible for conventional financing 和 helping others figure out how to qualify for commercial loans right away.

One of the largest of those nonprofits, Accion, is funded in part by U.S. 政府资助和澳博官方网站app & Co. 银行和美国.S. 财政部不是慈善机构, so they support nonprofits like Accion because they know today’s startups will be tomorrow’s job creators, 储户, 纳税人, 和, 最重要的是, 这是强大国民经济的基础, 万事如意.



安娜贝穆德斯, TAGit创始人, an app that allows you to buy the clothing featured on your favorite TV shows.


Like every other startup sector, the biggest challenge for most LOBs is access to capital. 当拉丁裔企业家创业时, 他们70%的资金来自个人储蓄, 根据斯坦福大学的研究, 而只有6%来自商业贷款.

安娜贝穆德斯就是一个很好的例子. 她用自己所有的储蓄和退休账户创办了TAGit, an app that allows you to buy the clothing featured on your favorite TV shows. 在大多数人转向“家人和朋友融资”的时候,安娜需要另一种选择, 于是她向Accion求助.

Accion actually started in Venezuela, 和 it now has operations in more than 30 countries. Their guidance to entrepreneurs on how to navigate the small-business environment begins with advice on micro-finance 和 how to get a loan. In Ana’s case, Accion managed to get her funding from the Eva Longoria Foundation.

“如果没有行动的话, 我可能得回去工作了, 对企业家来说,哪些是大忌,贝穆德斯说. “这给投资者描绘了一幅负面的画面。”.


只有一半 斯坦福调查的lob中有一半获得了外部资金.



门德·卡多纳, Mende’s Groom Room would have remained a pipe dream had she not learned about financing options through the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), 一个与行动组织密切合作的组织. 在埃尔森特罗一家狗狗美容院做沙龙经理, 加州, 门德想要独立经营, 但她没有资金,也不知道如何获得资金. 一位朋友建议和SBDC谈谈,她解释了自己的想法. The team there was able to walk her through the costs of starting her own company 和 showed her how to develop a business plan that would get her the funding she needed. “这让一切都不一样了,”她说. “如果我没有那笔钱,我是做不到的.”

The path to funding can be more complicated for entrepreneurs born outside of the U.S. “There are a lot of cultural differences,” Rodrigo Santoyo says through a translator. In 2004 Rodrigo 和 his brother Filberto emigrated from Mexico to Denver, 科罗拉多州, 希望能开个餐车生意. They weren’t aware how much a credit history would help, 和 they didn’t have one. “在墨西哥,人们很少使用信贷,”罗德里戈解释说. 当他们申请资助时,他们的申请被拒绝了.


在斯坦福研究调查的企业中, 超过40%的非公民拉丁裔企业主, all of whom are here legally, are rejected when they apply for their first business loans.


由米卡萨资源中心提交给行动, 他们学会了如何建立信用记录,然后获得贷款. “We were able to find a lot of good people willing to help 和 provide 教育 和 resources for underst和ing how to manage your business 和 navigate the systems here,罗德里戈说. Since then he 和 his brother have purchased a second food truck 和 are hoping to exp和 someday into a brick-和-mortar restaurant chain.

贝穆德斯, 卡多纳·, 三洋兄弟, 和 their fellow small-business owners are the people who create almost two-thirds of all new jobs in America 和 almost half the private-sector output of the U.S. 经济. 这就是为什么像Accion这样的组织, 的SBDC, 和 others get the support of government agencies 和 financial giants like 澳博官方网站app.

至于斯坦福大学对lob的估计是1美元.这是2014年的4万亿美元. 以今天的美元计算,这将增加600亿美元,也就是1美元.46万亿年. That’s all the money the federal government collected in taxes during the first half of this year, 哪项是新纪录.

In other words, closing the opportunity gap for Latino-business owners will represent $1.46万亿年 in GDP that could buy everybody a nice little tax cut or a lot more services. 不管怎样,这都是本垒打.

澳博官方网站app supports innovative strategies to help small businesses thrive, 他们3000万美元的重点是什么, 五年 小型企业前进 程序, 旨在发展本地业务, community-based small businesses through a combination of targeted lending to minority-owned businesses, new kinds of community development financing 和 technical assistance for entrepreneurs. 澳博官方网站app is dedicated to helping minority- 和 community-based small-business owners become engines of job growth 和 economic vitality in the neighborhoods they serve.