

Grace Connors of 魅力工业 is on a mission to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosp在这里  — and Taylor Wright, 战略和碳管理主管, 澳博官方网站app的可持续性运营, 是在帮她实现梦想吗.


  • 作者:Lib Aubuchon,

Grace Connors wants you to think about sustainability—and the future of our planet—differently.

While many people are in prevention mode when it comes to climate change, 康纳斯想提醒我们,这已经在我们身边发生了, 每一天. 康纳斯认为,预防的最后期限已经过去.

Key players in the sustainability industry are focused on reducing future emissions of carbon to prevent further impact on climate change. 但是, 根据 政府间气候变化专门委员会, 让世界实现国际气候目标, carbon removal from the atmosp在这里 is an important piece of the puzzle. 这就是为什么康纳斯,作为研发和测试的主管 魅力工业, is focused on decreasing the overall warming effect of greenhouse gasses, 比如二氧化碳, 将其从大气中永久清除.

作为一家碳去除技术公司的领导者, 康纳斯是争取可持续未来的前沿和中心.

“我总是被大问题所吸引,”康纳斯说. “我是来解决问题的.”

魅力工业已经移除 6400吨碳 从大气到现在,有了计划 扩大业务 in America’s heartland in the coming years, 根据 company’s reporting. This is made possible, in part, through the support from companies like 澳博官方网站app.

澳博官方网站app is working to help scale the growth and development of carbon removal technologies, 作为推进低碳经济的一部分. In May 2023, it announced one of the largest carbon removal purchases to date. 这包括购买价值2亿美元的高质量产品, durable carbon dioxide removal credits in an effort to remove and store 800,000吨二氧化碳. 作为声明的一部分, the financial services firm signed a deal with 魅力工业 to remove and store 28,利用生物油技术在五年内减少了500吨二氧化碳.

“I'm proud to be part of a team at 澳博官方网站app that is driving this work forward, and I'm always inspired by the women who are leading this work in the broader climate action space,泰勒·赖特说。, 战略和碳管理主管, 澳博官方网站app的可持续性运营.

Read on to learn how Connor is getting carbon dioxide out of the atmosp在这里, 她在这个行业面临的性别规范挑战, 她对可持续发展的热情从何而来, 以及为什么她对未来很乐观.


“The first time I started thinking about climate change was when I was in fifth grade,康纳斯说。. “我叔叔在2005年的卡特里娜飓风中失去了房子。, and the more I learned about what had happened and how the sea level was rising, 我就越感兴趣...我怎样才能真正减轻我们星球上正在发生的事情.”

Today, her work at 魅力工业 allows her to put energy toward tackling climate change. “我有一种紧迫感,要把我的工作做好, to scale 魅力工业’s technology to the point w在这里 we can really have a chance at reducing the overall level of carbon in the atmosp在这里,康纳斯说. “It’s my duty to keep working as hard as I can and keep my team motivated.”


魅力工业 as a company is all about using organic matter in a way that’s unexpected. 通过创新的技术和一个叫做热解的过程, 魅力工业 converts waste biomass—like the agricultural leftovers from a corn harvest—into bio-oil before pumping and permanently storing it underground (a process called bio-oil sequestration). 最终产品从大气中去除有害的二氧化碳.

康纳斯在魅力工业有远大的目标, 比如得到1,000 pyrolyzers—the machines that convert waste into bio-oil—in the field, 她认为这将是她个人的“巨大成就”, 对公司也是一样.


While 魅力工业’s overall goal is to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosp在这里 back to pre-industrial levels, 碳清除公司影响着当地的社区, 太.

“I see the opportunity for Charm to employ a lot of the same labor as oil and gas,康纳斯说. “这是非常相似的技能组合. 正好相反:我们不是向外抽,而是向内抽.”

事实上, a recent study conducted by economists at ICF projects that 魅力工业-related activities could support 160,到2036年和238年,全国将有1000个工作岗位,随着规模的扩大和增长,到2040年将达到1000万. 这些工作需要农业, 制造业, 后勤方面的, and geological injection skills from the agricultural and rural communities 魅力工业 operates in. 这项工作不仅有助于我们的星球抵御未来, 但它也有助于创造可持续的经济.


魅力工业’s relationship with 澳博官方网站app has opened doors for the company, providing the company with a bigger platform and legitimacy within the industry, 据康纳斯说. “自愿减碳是相对较新的事情, and I think 澳博官方网站app has shown that t在这里 is value to what we’re doing,康纳斯说。. “That reinforcement at such a large scale has been really exciting and proof t在这里 is an appetite for the market.”

Wright notes how impressed she was with 魅力工业’s mission and dedication from the start.

“Not only because of the innovative technology solutions they were developing, but also their passion for solving climate change and bringing opportunities into the communities that they work in,赖特说。. “I’m lucky to have the opportunity to work with many of these women who are fighting for a sustainable future.”


“有人说我‘缺乏温柔’,”康纳斯解释道. “You wouldn’t say that to a man, but I don’t take that as an insult anymore. 事实上,我认为这是一种恭维. 我为自己感到骄傲, 因为这说明我很直率, 我追求结果, 我推动我的团队变得更好.”

Connors regularly works with an advisor who provides mentorship and who has helped her grow into her management role in an unapologetic way. 就像澳博官方网站app一样 移动中的女性 initiative provides a collaborative network of 太ls and resources dedicated to advancing women at all levels of their career, 康纳斯也坚信女性支持女性的力量.

“I’d like to think that I am showcasing to other women out t在这里 who are starting their journey in STEM industries that t在这里 is a pathway 在这里 for women to become leaders,康纳斯说.

了解更多关于澳博官方网站app如何激发女性抱负的信息 在这里.