Committee Charter


The purpose of the Corporate Governance & Nominating Committee ("Committee") is to:

  1. 对董事会的治理进行全面监督.
  2. 审查提名董事的资格,并向董事会推荐提名董事的人选.
  3. 评估并向董事会推荐适用于公司的公司治理实践.
  4. 评估董事会绩效评估框架和董事会自我评估.



  1. 委员会应由不少于三人的非管理董事组成.
  2. 委员会的每位成员均应符合纽约证券交易所公司治理上市标准(截至公司最近一次年会)的独立性标准,以及董事会公司治理原则中规定的公司独立性标准.
  3. 委员会成员每年由委员会审查,并由董事会批准, which also designates a Chair for the Committee. Each Committee member and Chair serves at the pleasure of the Board.


  1. The Committee shall meet as often as it determines is appropriate, but not less frequently than three times per annum. 主席应主持委员会的所有会议,并制定议程.
  2. 委员会可要求本所任何高级职员或雇员出席委员会会议,或要求该等人员与委员会的任何成员会面, or advisors to, the Committee.
  3. 委员会有权在其认为适当时聘用顾问, including approval of fees and terms of retention, without the prior permission of the Board or management, and shall be provided the necessary resources for such purposes.
  4. The Committee shall report periodically to the Board, 一般在委员会会议后的下一次定期董事会会议上进行, on actions taken and significant matters reviewed by the Committee.

Duties and responsibilities

The Corporate Governance & 提名委员会的职责如下:

  1. 就董事会的规模、组成和董事任期向全体董事会提出建议.
  2. 确定符合董事会《澳博体育app》中规定的标准的董事会成员.
  3. 向董事会推荐提名者担任董事会成员,并推荐提名者参加下届股东年会(或股东大会)的董事选举, if applicable, a special meeting of stockholders).
  4. 行使独家权力,聘请任何猎头公司来确定董事候选人, 包括唯一有权批准猎头公司的费用和其他保留条款.
  5. 审核董事会薪酬并向董事会提出建议.
  6. Review the duties and composition of committees of the Board, 包括根据《澳博体育app》和《澳博体育app》对审计委员会的组成标准进行审查。, a review of the criteria for composition of the Compensation & 管理发展委员会根据纽约证券交易所的规则, 根据《澳博官方网站app》第162(m)条和《澳博官方网站app》第16条, and review the criteria for composition of the Corporate Governance & Nominating Committee under the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, 确定并向董事会推荐有资格成为董事会各委员会成员的董事, 考虑该等上市及监管准则(如适用),以及委员会认为适当的其他因素.
  7. Review stockholder proposals and proposed responses.
  8. 检讨董事会的企业管治原则及对该等原则的任何修订建议,并向董事会提出建议.
  9. 定期评估董事会绩效评估框架和董事会自我评估讨论.

Action on behalf of national bank subsidiaries

  1.  委员会有充分和完全的权力代表本公司的国家银行子公司(“银行”)行使公司治理 & Nominating Committee responsibilities of the Banks, 根据银行章程和澳博官方网站app董事会授予委员会的权力 & Co. In furtherance of such responsibilities, 委员会有责任寻求维护银行的安全和稳健,并对银行的公司治理进行监督 & 提名委员会在处理事务时应理解,银行的利益不得以危及银行安全和稳健的方式从属于母公司控股公司的利益.

Charter review

  1. The Corporate Governance & Nominating Committee will review, at least annually, 委员会的章程,并建议任何拟议的变更,以供董事会批准. The Corporate Governance & Nominating Committee shall prepare, and report to the Board the results of, an annual performance evaluation of the committee, 委员会的表现如何与本章程的要求相比较.


Effective July 2023

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